Contract Operation Services
MCO tailors services and contracts to meet the wants and needs of clients.
Our contracts range from:
- Full Service Operations
- Management Only (Full or Part-Time)
- Operational Assistance
Wastewater Services
In addition to contract operations, MCO also provides the following services to the wastewater industry:
- Flow monitoring and sampling programs
- Gas cleaning of fine bubble aeration diffusers
- System Troubleshooting
- Microscopic examination of wastewater mixed liquor samples
- Laboratory Testing
- Preventive maintenance program development
- Development and implementation of pretreatment programs
- Operator Training
- Start-up Assistance
- Wastewater GIS Mapping
Water Services
MCO continually invests in updated equipment, maintenance of equipment and personnel training, giving us the ability to reliably offer the following Water Services to municipalities and private business:
- Distribution System Valve Exercising with a computerized hydraulic valve operator with options of GPS and torque recording
- Hydrant flushing and Maintenance Programs
- Fire Flow Testing
- Distribution System Pressure Logging
- Small and Large Meter Testing
- Plant Inline Meter Testing
- Cross Connection Residential Survey Programs
- Cross Connection Commercial Survey Programs
- Leak Detection
- Operator Training
- Water GIS Mapping
- Preventive maintenance program development
- System Troubleshooting
Public Works Services
MCO has been helping municipalities with all aspects of public works operations since our inception in 1987. Communities rely upon our expertise and experience with:
- Storm Water Management & WPDES Permit Compliance
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Programs
- Mapping and GIS
- Capital Improvement Planning
- Pavement Rehab Programs
- Sewer and Water System Operation and Maintenance
Technical Services
MCO has the ability to provide a full range of technical assistance. From troubleshooting a single problem to the installation of an entirely new system, one of our strengths is maintaining an open line of communication with a client’s staff and engineers.
Our technicians work in the industry everyday and understand the concerns of operators and the importance of reliable, “operator friendly” systems that operate efficiently. Our clients take comfort in knowing experienced assistance is a phone call away 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the following:
- System troubleshooting on site or phone support
- Instrumentation
- System controls
- Electrical systems
- Pumping systems
- PLC programming
- Chemical feed systems
- GIS mapping
Wastewater Microbiology
MCO will perform microscopic analysis of activated sludge and lagoon systems and provide a detailed report identifying filament(s) and other indicator organisms present. This information is then used to give the suggested causes for the filaments and suggestions for their control. For more information click here or to submit a sample for microscopic analysis click here.
Customized On-Site Wastewater Education Training
MCO has presentations approved for CEUs in several states in the following:
- General Wastewater
- Activated Sludge
- Advanced Activated Sludge/ Process Control
- Nitrogen Removal
- Phosphorus Removal
- Lagoons/ Aerated Stabilization Basins
- Activated Sludge Troubleshooting
- Aerobic Digestion/Anaerobic Digestion
- Disinfection
Customized “Hands On” Wastewater Microscopy Training
- Includes complimentary microscopic evaluation report of client’s wastewater
- Participants learn techniques for wet mounts and staining
- Filament ID methods taught based on 3rd Edition Manual (Jenkins, 2004)
- Instructor brings in samples that include 80% (or more) of filaments commonly found in activated sludge
- Discussion on how to apply microscopy findings to process control
- CEUs applied for on individual basis
Troubleshooting/Site Visit and Consultation Report
- Contract operational staff available to assist with onsite troubleshooting
- In addition to microscopic evaluation report, on site walkthrough with follow up report provided
- Includes
- Review of process control/ sampling data
- Looking for areas where efficiency may be improved or where there may be opportunities to lower costs
- Identifying areas for chemical addition (such as chlorination for filament control)
- Tips for planning to address future needs
- Includes