(920) 751-4299 [email protected]

Town that serves a Population of 3800 – Indiana

Public Works Department Management

Management of the Client’s Public Works Department: water, wastewater, stormwater and street departments


When MCO took over the Client’s Public Works Department there were problems in all areas of each department.

  • The wastewater utility has numerous operational problems including heavy I & I, NPDES compliance problems, lack of a preventive maintenance program and poor laboratory testing protocols.
  • The water utility had limited record-keeping, lack a preventive maintenance program, and insufficient overall operations efficiency. Water loss have been evaluated; operational and equipment changes have been made to reduce this problem.
  • The street department required review and reorganization of job duties in order to make the employees more efficient with their time. Organization of the equipment and supplies also had to be done in order to know what the Client had available to work with.

Project Specifics:

MCO streamlined laboratory testing and preventive maintenance of both the water and wastewater systems. Daily facility process adjustments and tests are all recorded and documented. Hour meters have been installed in most equipment to document run times. Sludge wasting and disposal has been streamlined to increase plant operation. Equipment upgrades and additions have increased facility efficiency. Snowplowing, lawn maintenance, sewer cleaning, and leaf collection have all been evaluated and reorganized to better serve the needs of the Client.

MCO is now working with the Client’s Engineer in the preliminary engineering phase of the renovation of the wastewater treatment plant. As an initial part of that process, MCO is providing flow monitoring of the wastewater system to locate and reduce inflow/infiltration (I&I) points into the sanitary sewer system.